About Sonoran Mystic Tarot
“Hello, I’m Don and I am the creator and main provider of advice and guidance services here at Sonoran Mystic Tarot. My goal is to provide you with accurate and insightful information and guidance which will be helpful as you navigate your life’s journey.”
Why Choose Sonoran Mystic Tarot?
"Each of my tarot readings is live online and based on your own unique energy delivering insightful information which is intended to help you make informed decisions about your life."
"Don Rumer-Rivera has years of experience and is dedicated to providing you with a clear and concise experience enabling you to discover your true path."
"Our easy-to-use booking system allows you to schedule your reading at your preferred date and time, giving you the flexibility to fit your reading into your busy schedule."
My readings can range anywhere from 45 minutes to 1 ¼ hours and are priced at $195, making them an affordable way to gain valuable insight into the issues which need clarity.
About Don

An Attorney no more. After years of practicing law I stepped away and decided to focus my time and energy on the metaphysical practices. To better understand me, it is most likely best to understand how I made the transition from Attorney to Psychic and Tarot Reader. You see, Tarot fascinated me from a very young age. I was blessed to have two readings early in my life and those readings proved to be accurate. Both readers used a standard deck of cards and that mesmerized me even more. My curiosity was later questioned as I studied and entered the engineering field. Science and Tarot were not compatible. From working at NSA to my working as a contractor building and maintaining the world’s first computerized war simulation center, I did not have time to pursue much else and was not at a place in my life where I was ready to question the logical side of my brain.
Eventually I left the engineering field and earned a degree in political science and eventually a Doctorate in Jurisprudence on my way to becoming an attorney. Again, the practice of law was not compatible with Tarot but I was ready to pursue my fascination with Tarot and learned how to read the Tarot cards. With little assistance and limited information I learned to understand the deck, quiet my mind and listen for guidance as I read the cards. My card readings were limited to family, friends and close associates but my skills continued to grow and I was open to anything that I might learn.
When the time was right I left the law and found myself with the opportunity to spend more time exploring my abilities and embracing all the gifts afforded to me. Those abilities have lead me to embracing my psychic abilities and mediumship skills, as well. It also allowed me the time to further perfect my reading talent. With many years of experience I bring a very unique mix of traits which have enabled me to connect with and deliver the messages Spirit has for the person being read. Spirit and I make a great team.
Today I read for anyone open and ready to hear what Spirit has to say. My readings include Tarot cards, psychic and mediumship, depending on the preference of the person being read. The readings are done in a straight forward and compassionate manner, with importance placed on honesty and integrity. If the cards and the spirits are not offering insight on the person being read, I stop the reading and offer a refund. I will only relay what I am being provided by Spirit and nothing more. And, there will be times when I receive information that may not be welcomed so on those occasions I tend to deliver it with a velvet glove and not an iron fist. Again, my goal is to always be honest and forthright but do so in a compassionate manner. If you are ready for a reading click on the "Book Now" tab and make arrangements for your personal reading.

Customer Reviews

"His amazing tarot card reading experiences helped me to understand my past, current and future events within my life journey with proven accuracy! Don really took time to connect with me one on one which allowed the reading to open up to the universe!"

Ramona M
Kim C
Shawna S

"Don's skills are not just a service – they're a lifeline to clarity, understanding, and empowerment. He is an amazing beacon of light."
"Don is extremely gifted in his psychic abilities and in reading tarot. I trust Don in helping me find the answers to the questions I have, and make me aware of what is to come in life."
MarryAnn H
"Don’s Tarot readings have brought me so much comfort. I have seen his psychic abilities with others and was blown away."